Odor Control for municipal and industrial applications
Spirolite’s unique manufacturing process is the only HDPE system in the United States that truly offers an engineered cost competitive alternative to traditional piping systems in application of gravity and low-pressure sanitary sewer systems, odor control ductwork, as well as industrial waste applications.
Municipal wastewater treatment plants, industrial processes and composting facilities can be assured of trouble-free transport of foul air with Spirolite. Fittings and fabrications are manufactured to your specifications, ensuring that the piping provided meets your system requirements.

Plasson brings the most experience in the industry to the pipe and custom fabrication market. In response to demand for high quality products, Plasson has grown into the leading manufacturer of large diameter gravity and low-pressure piping, and fabricated HDPE structures.
Whether you are designing a new system or a complex addition to an existing system that transports foul air to scrubbers, adsorption units, or bio-filters, Spirolite piping can provide a long-lasting, integrated system.
Utilizing high quality materials, leak tight joints, unmatched fabrication capacity, stringent quality control, and fast user-friendly field installations, it’s no wonder Spirolite is the industry choice for the most demanding odor control projects.
- High Quality Stress Rated Resin with no fillers or
Post-Consumer Resins. - Chemical and Corrosion Resistant
- Excellent Weatherability
- Tough and Durable
- Highly Resistant to Stress Cracking
- Long Service Life

- Elastomeric gasketed Bell and Spigot joints
- Closure Bells that allow for easy field adjustments
- Flange hubs and convoluted D.I., stainless steel, or coated backup rings
- Fabricated HDPE Flanges for low load bearing connections,
Customer shapes and drilling available - Thermal extrusion welded joints